19 / 12 / 2017
8 TIPS for your dehumidifier’s proper maintenance

Ensure long-term & good operation of your dehumidifier by implementing 8 simple yet efficient steps on a regular basis, making your life and your dehumidifier’s much easier!
1) Make sure to clean the filter every 20 days, with a mild neutral PH detergent and water. Avoid using hot water and dish-washer detergent for the cleaning process.
2) Disconnect the appliance from the power supply socket before removing the filter.
3) To clean the appliance, you can use a moist and soft clean cloth with a neutral detergent. Avoid the use of any cleaning bleaching agents.
4) Caution is needed while cleaning the dehumidifier, since an insulation damage could occur in case you accidentally pour water on the device.
5) The filter must be completely dried, naturally, before it is re-entered in the appliance.
6) In addition to having deactivated the unit a few minutes before removing the water tank, you need to be vigilant in order not to accidentally spill any water on the appliance.
7) The cleaning of the water tank must take place every 2-4 weeks, applying a small amount of water or a neutral detergent.
8) Make sure that the water tank is properly placed prior to re-powering the appliance.